Friday 26 August 2011

New Kindle?

The Amazon Kindle has been an unquestionable success for Amazon. It managed to do what other companies (including Amazon itself,) had failed to do and open the eBook market to everyone.

Over the last 12 months there has been lots of rumour about the next kindle. It would have a touch screen, it would be high res, it would be colour etc etc. All of it had the distinct smell of being made up. The simple fact has been that as the kindle sold in ever increasing quantities, Amazon had no real reason to add any of the functions above that are not necessary to the kindle's functioning as an eBook reader. The public seemed quite happy to buy the kindle as is, and the drop in price over time just sweetened the deal. Lets not forget that even though kindle is a fantastic bit of kit it isn't "the best" eBook reader on the market. It works, its simple, its well designed and its cheap.

So what’s changed. Well Amazon recently reduced the price of its refurbished kindles and looks set to follow with a reduction on new units. If they are following the apple model this generally signals a stock clearing before an upgrade. Also Amazon have just registered a new domain Unless this is baiting us tech bloggers to get some free marketing (and I wouldn't put it past them,) this seems very suggestive we are about to get a new kindle.

An educated guess would be that the new kindle will incorporate a stylus that will allow the reader to annotate their eBooks. i.e. to right in the margin or highlight paragraphs much easier. Not a massive upgrade so expect to see more storage space and higher res screens.

We'll keep digging and let you know the minute we find any better facts.

If you can't wait why not buy the excellent Amazon Kindle on our parent site

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